Tuesday 27 January 2015

Sack Afotey Agbo … Apollonia Clans Tell Mahama

By Mohammed Awal
Email:  awalm19@gmail.com.
Nii Laryea Afotey-Agbo -Greater Accra Regional Minister
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THE ACCREDITED heads of Bediako We, Kojo We and Sanshie Sackey – all at Appolonia, near Ashaiman in the Greater Accra Region, have called on President John Dramani Mahama to, as a matter of necessity dismiss Nii Laryea Afotey-Agbo – the Regional Minister, from his current post as he has become a “security threat” to the people of Appolonia.
Dismissing Afotey-Agbo, they argued, would automatically bring an end to months of tyrannical and bullish behavior heaped on the people of Appollonia and also an end to illegal land grab and sales.  A statement signed by Nii Iddrisu Mansro, Numo Seth Affum and Numo Seth Gblie Nartey and issued to the Media at a press conference yesterday, said the Minister is a real thorn in the flesh of the people of Appollonia.

“We wish to bring the attention of the Presidency  that the Regional Minister is a serious  threat to the township and the earlier His Excellency, the President, removes him from office, the better,” the statement added.  Nii Iddrisu Mansro, Numo Seth Affum and Numo Seth Gblie Nartey further told the media that a gentleman by name Dampetey, with the alleged blessings of the Minister, had succeeded in grabbing and re-registering about 4,000 acres of Land in the area, to the extent of having a land title certificate.

Sigh of Relief
The Accredited heads of the three clans further contended that his (Afotey-Agbo) sacking by the President would mean that the persistent conduct of interfering in Chieftaincy and Land related issues by the latter would be brought to an end.  “Indeed, the people of Appollonia will heave a sigh of relief,” they noted.
Events at Appollonia disrespectful to Ga/Dangbe customs
The clan leaders further observed that attempts by some imposters, headed by the Regional Minister to install Nathaniel Tettey as Nii Nuertey Amobi II as Manste of Appollonia is disrespectful to the Ga/Dangbe customary practices.  

According to the Ga/Dangbe custom, practice and usage upon the demise of a chief, it was incumbent upon the family and elders to ensure that a fitting burial is given the deceased chief before anyone ascends the throne.

“However, in the case of Appollonia, it was the other way round, as even before the burial of the late chief, certain persons unlawfully parading themselves as King Makers installed one Nathaniel Tettey as Nii Nuertey Amobi II as Manste of the area, with the Regional Minister deeply involved as the main architect, noted the statement.

“In all these developments that have taken place in respect of the said nomination, election and installation of the self-styled Nii Nuertey Amobi II, the incumbent Regional Minister, Nii Laryea Afotey-Abogbo has been directly involved with some other imposters, parading themselves as accredited King Makers.
”We would want the whole world to recognize that the Regional Minister has been deeply involved with these imposters not only in chieftaincy, but in sale of lands as well, whereby he directly supports them with soldiers  in uniform to intimidate  the entire township of Appollonia,” they observed.

All efforts made by The Chronicle to get Mr. Afotey Agbo’s side of the story proved unsuccessful. When this reporter first called him, his special assistant picked the call and said that the minister was speaking at a public function and that he should call back.  After waiting for an hour, The Chronicle called again and the special assistant told The Chronicle that the minister was touring the Greater Accra region and that he could not speak.

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