Monday 8 September 2014

Mahama Launches Mara Mentor Network …To Support Young Entrepreneurs

Mahama Launches Mara Mentor Network …To Support Young Entrepreneurs

Date published: September 8, 2014
By Mohammed Awal
President John Dramani Mahama has launched the Mara Mentor network, an online mentoring network aimed at providing mentorship for young entrepreneurs in Ghana, indicating that the youth terribly need mentorship.
President Mahama in warm hand shake with Ashish J Thakkar
President Mahama in warm embrace with Ashish J Thakkar
He said at the Launching of the network at the Flagstaff House last week Friday, that the youth were “in dire need of mentorship and inspiration” to propel them to fully harness the opportunities that abound in the country, thus the introduction of the network in Ghana.
“An idea is only as good as its execution, which is why it is important for our youth to tap into the experience and expertise that Mara Mentor’s seasoned business leaders have to offer and use that to their advantage. Only then will they start seeing ideas become reality,” he accentuated.
Urging the youth to sign onto the network, he expressed optimism that it would help boost the confidence of the teeming unemployed youth to venture into entrepreneurship.
He said: “Facilitaing the growth of entrepreneurship in Ghana has long been a core focus for this government,” and they were pleased to build on the launch of the recent Youth Entrepreneurship Support Fund, with the introduction of this fantastic mentoring platform.
Mara Mentor is an online community that connects ambitious entrepreneurs with successful and experienced business leaders, and it is an initiative of Mara Foundation, a social enterprise established in 2009.
Its focus is on fostering entrepreneurialism in Africa through a myriad of programmes designed to address the complete life-cycle of an entrepreneur’s business idea.
Ashish J. Thakkar, the founder of Mara Group and Foundation said the network was carved in such a way that it would “encourage idea and knowledge sharing among Africa’s most promising young entrepreneurs, inspiring a collaborative approach to business start-up and growth.”
Continuing, he observed that technology was the key to unlocking the potential of entrepreneurs in Africa, thus the creation of the network to “empower Africa’s youth in their business endeavours, ”in recognition that they are the driving force behind the continent’s growth and future prosperity.”
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