Tuesday 4 March 2014

ESPA rids Motorway of filth

ESPA rids Motorway of filth 
By Mohammed Awal
ESPA Workers Cleaning
The Environmental Service Providers Association (ESPA), as part of their corporate social responsibility and rebranding campaign, has embarked on a clean-up exercise along the Tetteh Quarshie-Tema motorway stretch of the capital, to rid it of filth.
ESPA, which is the mouth piece of all waste collecting companies in the Greater Accra Region, said the exercise, which was held over the weekend, was meant “to ensure a cleaner environment, thus a healthy people in a healthy nation.”
The First Vice President of ESPA, Mr. Danny Anang, called for constant sensitization of the public on the hazards of "indiscriminate littering" of the environment, adding that "constant reminder will make people change their attitude."
He, however, admitted that "attitudinal change" would not come overnight, but      "with sustained education it would be possible.”
Executive Secretary of ESPA, Mrs.AmaOforiAntwi said ESPA’s main objective was to educate the public and ensure they "refrain from littering the environment indiscriminately.”
What ESPA hopes to achieve, she stated, was to ensure clean environment, adding that they wanted to see Ghana clean thereby promoting good health of the people.
She added that with clean environment, Ghana can boost of healthy people who would be productive to ensure the expansion of the Ghanaian economy.
Mrs.Ofori-Antwi also pleaded with the government to provide them with a dumping site in Accra. Lack of it she lamented does hinder upon their efficiency in operations.

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