Tuesday 25 February 2014

Adamorobe chief calls for peace

Adamorobe chief calls for peace
By Mohammed Awal, Adamorobe
Picture by Eric Owiredu  
Nana Mankrado Agyei Nyarko I
Nana Mankrado Agyei Nyarko I, the Chief of Adamorobe, a town in the Eastern Region, has called for peace in the Tete Pa Ogya-Agona family.
He made this call at an emergency meeting with the Council of Elders of the Adomorobe royalty, to deliberate on the status of the current ‘Abusuapanyin’, Family head of the Tete Pa Ogya Agona clan on Sunday.
Nana Mankrado Agyei Nyarko I, tasked all and sundry to uphold peace and unity. He, however, said this cannot be achieved if there is no concerted effort to make it happen.
To achieve the peace and unity, he decreed that the current ‘Abusuapanyin’ of the Tete Pa Ogya Agona clan, Opanyin Kwadwo Apiadu, hands over all cases pending in the court to Papa Yaw Kitiwa, until further notice.
According to him, as a result of the Family head’s actions and inactions, ‘massive divisions’ had emerged in the family. His decision to ask him to step aside would, therefore, sustain peace and unity in the family and the community.
When the Chronicle contacted the said 'Abusuapanyin', Opanyin Kwadwo Apiadu, to comment on the claims, he said he had no idea of the said issues. "They have to inform me and also hear from the chief himself,” Opanyin Kwadwo Apiadu said.
He made it known to this paper that he is currently 'indisposed' and that is why the case has not yet been resolved.

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