Friday 6 July 2012


The Move by the Rawlings’to Form a New Political Party, Unheard Off and Unthinkable………….Alhaji Bature.
The Managing Editor of the Alhajj Newspaper, Alhajji Bature said that he sad with the formation of the new party by the former head of state, Mr. Rawlings and his wife, nana Konadu.
According to him, much as he would have loved to feel vindicated, he was really saddened and hurt by the news. Bature said that the primary reason behind his paper’s publication of the alleged formation of a new party by the Rawlings’ on the front page of the Alhajj newspaper was to dissuade or persuade the Rawlings’ not to destroy their hard worn legacy.
Legacy that they have built over the years, according to Mr Bature, after nineteen years of political leadership, former president Rawlings should have resigned to the role of a statesmanship in the whole scheme of things.
Alhajji Bature further said that it was unthinkable and unheard off in the whole world where a founder of a political party, not any political party, and a ruling party at that would be behind the floatation of a new party. After helping to galvanize the party from opposition to win power.
According to Bature the behavior of Mr. Rawlings and his wife saddened him. Therefore sees it as a waterloo of the Rawlings’. They knew very well that they cannot win the 2012 election. Why because according to him the Rawlings’ are not noted organizers.
He also argued that, right from 1992 until 2008, the Rawlings’ have never been good organizers. “They (Rawlings’) do not know how to organize a political party. In 1992, when the national democratic congress was being formed, Rawlings was no where to be found” said Ahajj Bature.
“Rawlings was not part of the formation of the NDC, he further stated. According to Bature, it was the Obed Asamoah’s, Kodjo Tsikata’s and the Totoby Kwatsi’s who behind the organization of the NDC all this while.
Bature further said that, the only thing the Rawlings’ knew to be mounting of campaign platforms.
Also Bature said that, the new party, the National Democratic Party would have any impact in the outcome of the 2012 election.
He believes that, the new party would rather enhance the chances of the NDC. According Alhajji  Batture , this will evoke the can do spirit in the rank and file of the NDC, Thus re-energizing them and reviving in them the need for togetherness.  

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