Wednesday 4 July 2012


Disappointment amidst Incompetence by the A-G Department?
After riding on the back of propaganda to win sympathy from the Ghananaian electorate, amidst unsubstantiated allegations of corruption and mass murder by the erstwhile Kuffour administration, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) since being sworn in office and given the mandate of governance, to unravel the wrong doings committed against the state and the people of Ghana by government official of the erstwhile NPP administration.
Three and half years after assuming political power, the good professor of law, who also doubles as the president of the republic of Ghana and his team of cabinet ministers who were described and stereotyped by the founder of their party, former President Jerry John Rawlings as conferred him by the NDC’s own constitution, as ‘team b and, greedy bastards’ have since not able to convict even a messenger who served in erstwhile NPP administration.
Surprisingly the trend has since changed and reports of grave corruption, and incompetence is facing and starring the good professor and his team B cabinet glaringly, to the extent that the their own founder has cause to complain and lament the fact that his former foe, now ally former president Kuffour could stand on political platform and call him, Rawlings a liar.
The most talked about and discussed corrupt practice of this so called “I care for you” administration was the way and manner with which it paid a whooping sum of GH51.2million to Alfred Agbesi  Woyome fraudulently without any basis or contract.
After this whooping sum was paid without proper and due diligence by orders from the former attorney Betty Mould Iddrisu and the minister of finance and economic planning, Mr Duffour, the embattled former attorney of the state, who was the immediate successor to Betty Mould, Mr Martin Amidu had cause to believe that the so called judgment dept was fraudulently paid and could have been avoided if diligence was proper done.
Unfortunately these revelations by martin had caused him his job as the attorney. Some tried to obfuscate matters and wanted us to believe that he; Martin had misconduct himself whilst in meeting with the president. Fortunately to us the public, Martin is still alive, not dead and told us the real truth.
Earlier this week the state in her effort to retrieve this gargantuan money paid to Alfred Agbesi  Woyome through the attorney general’s department displayed an abysmal performance in the process infuriating the trial judge and invoking the judge’s anger. The trial judge Justice John Ajet-Nasam who could no longer hide his anger  yesterday expressed disappointment with the slow pace at which the prosecution was handling the case. According to the trial judge, Woyome was not a suspect but an accused person, since he had been properly charged with the offence of fraud and he in turn had pleaded not guilty, so the case must continue to its logical conclusion.
Also the judge who also doubles as a citizen of this nation whose coffers’ was fraudulently and in connivance with government officials run sacked and desecrated by one individual, which has gained so much interest that it has been described by some as unprecedented in the history of this nation.
According to the Justice John Ajet-Nasam Woyome was not a suspect but an accused person, since he had been properly charged with the offence of fraud and he in turn had pleaded not guilty, so the case must continue to its logical conclusion. When the case was called on Tuesday the 3rd of August, Cynthia Lamptey, the principal state attorney handling the fraud case against National Democratic Congress (NDC) bankroller Alfred Woyome, and three others, told the court that the state was yet to conclude its investigations, adding that they needed more time to investigate the case.
If the state was not ready and yet to conclude its investigations, why then take the case to court?  This view was being held by many Ghanaians and they believe that it’s an orchestrated attempt by government and its bunch of incompetent state attorney to portray (NDC) bankroller Alfred Woyome, innocent.

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