Saturday 30 June 2012


Indemnity Clause Smuggled In--------Nana Akomea

Speaking on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana, the director of communication of the new patriotic party (NPP), Hon. Nana Akomea said that the indemnity clause were smuggled in and not subjected to scrutiny.
The indemnity clause negates the principle and issue of probity and accountabity according to Akomea. Also according to nana Akomea smuggling the indemnity clause in, without any proper scrutiny depicts a certain kind of mischief.
“Smuggling it in, that is the indemnity clause shows a certain mischief that does not keep with the tenet of probity and accountability” Nana Akomea. He also argued that, if the clause was something of merit, why was the clause not subjected to debate and proper scrutiny by the constitutional commission set up.
According to him the indemnity clause will be an everlasting indictment on the Rawlings’ legacy.
Akomea also said that, he would be happy if Jerry John Rawlings himself leads a move to remove this indemnity clause.
“It will be an everlasting indictment on Rawlings’ legacy” Akomea.
Filed By Mohammed Awal… on the 22/06/2012

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